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The 7 Deadly Sins



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Greed Part 1 - Curiousity
Greed Part 2 - Comfort
Greed Part 3 - Addiction
Greed Part 4 - Control
Greed Part 5 - Greed
Greed Part 6 - Chaos
Greed Part 7 - Desolation
Greed Part 8 - Decay
Greed Part 9 - Hell

Sin Definition: Greed is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self far beyond the needs of basic survival and comfort.


I'M LOVING IT! As a kid, I grew up with the Ronald McDonald Clown. Actually, I was scared shitless of him because he always seemed a little too nice, a little too happy. I also didn't know what I was eating at that time. I didn't know that the fast-food was worse for my body than a bullet in the brain. A slow thing that is poisoning my body from the inside.


It is no secret that the fast-food industry is making millions in advertisement and sales all over the world. There is no coincidence that a healthy salad is more expensive than a Happy Meal, and water more than coke. The happy face you see in the add is a false and a trap. So I gave it a face I think it should have instead. A greedy, decayed and monsterous clown.


Envy Part 1 - Rejection
Envy Part 2 - Imprecation
Envy Part 3 - Premonition
Envy Part 4 - Temptation
Envy Part 5 - Desolation
Envy Part 6 - Hell

Sin Definition: Envy is to resent anothers possession, qualities or luck to the extreme of wishing them to be deprived of them.


How many followers do you have? How many likes? How long has it been since your last post? How much is enough? How much are you worth???

As always my work is a reflection of modern society in a very twisted way. Social media has it's advantages, yeah sure you say but it comes with a very dark angle. Measuring your value and challenging your mental health.
It is a greedy machine that wants to be fed. You are the meat that gets shredded to pieces, while depending on it one Notification Ping at a time. Will you stay sane on the path? Or will you slowly become something else enterely?


We all can not escape our envious eyes. We always want to strive for more, wanting others lifes and successes or followers. It will never be enough. In the end we will look into the mirror, petrified and scared while looking into the crippled eyes of our worst enemy: ourselves! 🪞🪞🪞
Is this all worth it? Probably not, but society demands sacrifices and social media needs fresh meat for their slaughterhouse every day!


Wrath Part 1 - Desperation
Wrath Part 2 - Control
Wrath Part 3 - Suffering
Wrath Part 4 - Transformation
Wrath Part 5 - Traces
Wrath Part 6 - Wrath
Wrath Part 7 - Chaos
Wrath Part 9 - Revenge
Wrath Part 8 - Hell

I thought about this sin long and hard while always picturing a desperate bird in a cage with a soul so hurt the only way out would be vengeful wrath. Are you ready to follow my bird into the deepest of abyss? Will it get back its soul? Or will it lose its sanity on the way?


As always my work is a reflection of modern society. While we are in a pandemic the number of cases of domestic violence is increasing. No escape, nor safety for the abused. Feeling like a trapped bird in a cage. 

In this story, our bird can escape, free itself, trap his perpetrator, and even hurt him so badly that he will never be able to do it again to anybody.

But so many women (and also men) can not! They are the victims of domestic violence and abuse daily. With this story, I wanted to give you a voice, a kinda twisted happy ending even if it is on the very dark side of the mind. I condemn any abuse or violence! Stay safe out there! I believe in the bird in you!




Gluttony Part 1 - Inception
Gluttony Part 2- Curiousity
Gluttony Part 3- Longing
Gluttony Part 4 - Addiction
Gluttony Part 6 - Insatiable
Gluttony Part 6 - Traces
Gluttony Part 7 - Chaos
Gluttony Part 8 - Never enough
Gluttony Part 9 - Hell

Sin Definition: Gluttony is defined as the overindulgence or lack of self-restraint in food, drink, or wealth items, especially as status tokens. The English word comes from the Latin and means “to gulp.” Gluttony worships food to feed our own self-love.


For this work, I was deeply inspired by the movie

'The Platform' (Spanish: El hoyo) from director Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia and also the famous 'Pan's Labyrinth (Spanish: El laberinto del fauno) by Guillermo del Toro. Couldn't help but give it a little personal touch tough.

With this sin comes a lot of animalistic behavior which I wanted to express. The greed to want more no matter what and no matter who gets hurt. Is it really rooted deep in us?? Find out in this ongoing series and decide for yourself and how much is enough...

In the end, we all stare into those greedy red eyes and see a piece of ourselves in them. How far would you go for food or love? Welcome to a world where you can buy everything. Where you consume things that consume you. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!




Pride Part 1 - Desire
Pride Part 2 - Contract
Pride Part 3 - Observation
Pride Part 4 - Desperation
Pride Part 5 - Proposal
Pride Part 6 - Decision
Pride Part 7 - Sorrow
Pride Part 8 - Desolation
Pride Part 9 - Incineration
Pride Part 10 - Hell

Sin Definition: Pride is the inflated sense of one own's personal status, qualities, or accomplishments.

My modern interpretation of 'Pride' from the seven deadly sins. How much money do we spend on our perfect selves? Leaving our souls to rot, become blind, selfish, cold, and careless while in the end we're just trying to rip ourselves apart. Is your inside as beautiful as your outside? And what price are you willing to pay for it?

Even though this series is considered to portray a sin I wanted to show a different angle to it.
The suffering a lot of us (including me) go through in this social media crazy time we live in and the fear of never be pretty, perfect, lovable, or unique enough can damage the heart and soul beyond recognition. A view in the mirror becomes an act of doubt and feeling small.
We grew up with Barbie and Idols, no normal human being can ever reach. Yet we crave to be them because we are told to do so.
Fun Fact: Did you know that Barbie wouldn't even be able to have a baby due to her proportions? Ironic isn't it? So burn your idols! Be whoever you want to be! Because there is only one you!




Sloth Part 1 - Inception
Sloth Part 2 - Contemplation
Sloth Part 3 - Curiousity
Sloth Part 4 - Decision
Sloth Part 5 - Commitment
Sloth Part 6 - Observation
Sloth Part 7 - Addiction
Sloth Part 8 - Abyss
Sloth Part 9 - Sorrow
Sloth Part 10 - Hell

Sin Definition: Sloth is spiritual and physical laziness.

.My modern Interpretation of 'Sloth' from the 7 Deadly Sins. This sin has crept into our society like a snake into paradise. The temptation and dependence on machines and algorithms to collect goods, information and love, can trap us in our little universes, swallowing us whole sometimes and lead us to dark


Maybe this world is another planet's hell.
- Aldous Huxley



Lust Part 1 - Devotion
Lust Part 2 - Promise
Lust Part 3 - Trust
Lust Part 4 - Play
Lust Part 5 - Desire
Lust Part 6 - Control
Lust Part 7 - Surrender
Lust Part 8 - Domination
Lust Part 9 - Abyss
Lust Part 10 - Deep
Lust Part 11 - Silence
Lust Part 12 - Hell

Sin Definition: Lust is an intense desire or craving of personal pleasure, with only one's interests and feelings being considered.

How well do you trust your love, your partner, your friend?
True devotion and lust can sometimes take a dark turn and change the person you love or long for from one second to the other, into a monster. This is my take on the theme 'Lust' from a different angle. Let me know what you think about it.


Warning! Possible Trigger!

When I created the story of 'Lust' I gave it a lot of thought. How can I carefully wrap such a delicate theme such as sexual assault and rape without hurting anyone? The truth is, you can't! Because it does hurt and it always will! The victims are trapped in their own personal hell. Silenced by fear and shame. Damned to repeat their suffering over and over in their heads, blaming themselves for what happened to them.
I wanted to tell this story in a visual way but have been really scared and unsure because that story is also my own and very personal. A story of trust and betrayal, and my own personal hell.

If you are too one of those lost souls let me tell you that you are not alone and it is not your fault! You met a predator
and I wish you all the strength in the world that you find something to fight back with, even if you feel small right now. Never remain silent! .

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